Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Renaissance and the Round Table…

Is there or was there ever such a thing as the “Round Table” of yesteryear lore?
I believe there was if only in our imagination of the human need for Community and togetherness for the good to reign.

So the noble ideals of the Arthurian court have journeyed down through the ages with images of artists, authors, and film. We love the mystic  of the good over evil story, and reinvent it over and over.

In an metaphorical way, we have that very story happening here in Oceanside California. The Good being people coming together to make a better future for our Community, and not so good being the image of what used to be, the utter denigration of a beautiful City from gangs, drugs, prostitution, and just turning a blind eye.

The Oceanside Museum of Art has changed the face of our City, and the force for this historical change is OMA’s Director Daniel Foster who has given a new format of the Arthurian Court possibilities to our Communities of Oceanside.

So began the Consortium of Cultural exchange of our Community leaders. Stepping up to have a concerted effort to enhance and grow our City’s economic future. The force to drive this change, being the enchantment, the enrichment, and the sharing of the Arts Community.

Story tellers, artists of the paints, film makers all will be participating in the "First Friday" Art Walk beginning in August of this year. The Consortium will meet this Friday, and if you wish to be a part of this Court of the Good, come to the Museum and listen, participate, and be engaged in the Arts as never before. Here in Oceanside, we are the Knights of the Consortium for the Good!