Monday, May 15, 2023




OMA Rising

                                                                   Oceanside Art Museum

Thirty Years ago, I stood in front of the old City Hall in Oceanside. It was boarded up and was destined to be the City Clerk's storage building. I was told that the Council had voted on this proposed use and that the City Staff would not consider using the beautiful old Irving Gill building for an Art Museum. The concept was presented by the Arts Commission to the City Council and fortunately, they welcomed the idea of an Art Museum for our City which until then was missing this vital element of human endeavor...



That was then, and now after our 25th Anniversary as an Art Museum, I look with wonder at what has been accomplished. Many folks have been given their time, their art, their treasure and hands on support. We thank them all. Our Executive Director, Maria Mingalone, to whom we owe so very much, gave this update at last Saturday evening's annual Patron Party, and shared with us the Rising of OMA. 


OMA is at the epicenter of our Cultural Arts District designated by the State Legislature in 2017. In 2023 the state is now investing over 460K in the arts in Oceanside.

New York Times … OMA is first on the list to see art in California along with the Norton Simon Museum and the Brewery Art Walk in LA, in the article published April 28th 2023.

OMA is one of four museums in the state of California to receive the 2023 Superintendents Award of Excellence in Museum Education. It is award to museums who make a significant contribution in California's K- 12 educational system.

OMA has been selected for the Getty Foundation's ambitious Pacific Standard Time Initiative, titled “Art and Science Collide” which launches in fall 2024.

OMA is expanding to bring into our campus the adjoining Gill Fire Station 1. We will have new spaces for expanded Educational classes, lectures and exhibitions. From one lonely abandoned Gill building to an entire City block, OMA stands proud.

So I thank Maria, our Staff, Our Generous Oceanside and regional Supporters, and a growing list of amazing cultural partners who have made this miracle possible. 

     Something wondrous awaits for us as we imagine new spaces for OMA at O'side's Fire  Station 1.

       OMA Rising exists because of the spirit of creativity in all of its many forms, resides within us all.