Sunday, August 27, 2017



As I walked up to the entrance of the Oceanside Museum of Art, I met a young family with two dancing children. We stopped a moment and I asked, Did they enjoy the exhibition? Oh Yes the mother exclaimed, we are going to have something to eat, and we will be back. The Kids loved it !!!

This was going to be a wondrous night of Disney brought to Oceanside. Most folks think of Disneyland as being a kids thing, but seeing the work of Rolly Crump in this comprehensive exhibition shows just how much it belongs to all of us when we become Kids ourselves for a night. There was in a small room off to the side, with an adult offering of exotic images which are rendered in magnificently splendid hues and incredible detail.

The three dimensional imaginings of Rolly's are delightful and seductive. The work draws you into the creative mind of a man who never stops “seeing” magical possibilities.

What is Imagination? I believe it is the answers of a curious mind when it asks the question of “what if”?. The “what ifs” and the answers are realized in the product or art form the artist or scientist create.

The imagination of the artist is what drives a powerful force to “do” something when an idea starts become the question..and the mind unleashes images of wonderment. The doing of something is nonnegotiable, it is a compelling force not to be denied. In Rolly's case, this creative force brought us; The Enchanted Tike Room, the Haunted Mansion and It's a Small World and the many art works never before seen by the public at large. Here in Oceanside, many of the Children never get to see Disneyland. I hope that we can spread the word on our social media platforms to come to OMA and enjoy this magical kingdom of Rolly's at OMA. Kids are Free and it will be memory to be treasured forever.

Walk through this Portal of Imagination at OMA August 26 – February 18, 2018

Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 11:00am–5:00pm
Thursday, Friday 11:00am–8:00pm
Sunday 12:00–5:00pm
Closed on New Year’s Day, Easter, July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas DayThe first Saturday of each month is free admission.