What has this year given to the Arts? Theaters are closed as are the Museums, Galleries, and Outdoor venues such as our Internationally Famous Artists Alley. This year has made it more intensive, and innovative in our approach to create, and participate in the Arts. The Challenge has been for me as an artist to wonder if it is all for naught. For the isolation from my usual gatherings and art groups has been daunting and depressing.
Alone in the Studio, I work on, realizing that I'm one of the lucky ones that really has my own thing which no Pandemic can take from me. The time is spent, and I have a product, one which does not need a store, or venue to make it happen. Therefore, why the depression? Throughout history, the creative in the arts has had a need however intermittent, to interact with other creatives. The deprivation of this essential interaction, is one that cannot be underestimated. Enter a new and wondrous technological tool.
Zoom to the rescue. A “Prince on a white horse”, a new way to interact and have personal contact with the many groups and venues and is a the path for artists to connect. The personal connection of face to face with another artist is there again, albeit, a much different way. Still, it is magical, real, and instant communication with another being that you can devour the day's need, and of future offerings that you have in common. Intense is this need for communication with our peers, and with this new Zoom Prince, we are once more connected to our art world and beyond.
As this Year 2020 comes to a close, I have come to the realization that this year has given to me personally, resilience, self reliance, and overcoming the challenge of isolation. However the most gratifying gift of all is one, of taking into my world of art, a new and universal way to communicate with my art groups, colleagues, art institutions, and the essential peer interaction. So now on with it...Zoom forever...